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HHS Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey and Workforce Engagement
Empowering our workforce through insight, action, and continuous improvement.
What is the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey?
The Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) is a powerful tool administered by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to measure federal employees' perceptions of their work environment. It serves as a vital instrument for employees to share their insights on critical areas including work experiences, agency performance, and leadership effectiveness. The FEVS provides granular results, enabling managers to identify areas for improvement within their specific work units.
Key Features of FEVS
  • Measures employee perceptions of organizational conditions
  • Provides insights into work experiences, agency performance, and leadership
  • Allows for data analysis at lower organizational levels
  • Helps identify areas of improvement and success
FEVS Administration
The survey is conducted electronically, with employees notified by email of their selection. Participants access the survey through a unique link, ensuring confidentiality and accuracy in data collection. OPM sends multiple follow-up emails to encourage high response rates.
History and Evolution of the FEVS
The Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey has a rich history dating back to 2002 when it was first introduced as the Federal Human Capital Survey (FHCS). Over the years, it has undergone significant changes to better serve the needs of federal agencies and their employees. In 2010, the survey was renamed the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey and revised to focus more on actionable items. This evolution reflects the government's commitment to continuous improvement in workforce management and engagement.


Introduction of the Federal Human Capital Survey (FHCS)


Renamed to Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) with focus on actionable items


Expansion to include non-permanent employees in survey eligibility


Latest updates and improvements to survey methodology and content
FEVS Participation and Eligibility
The Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey has traditionally been administered to full-time and part-time, permanent, non-seasonal employees of federal departments and agencies. However, recent changes have expanded the eligibility criteria. Since 2021, agencies have had the option to include non-permanent employees, such as noncompetitive hires who have not yet transferred to permanent positions. This decision is made at the Operating Division or Staff Division level by FEVS program managers.


Eligible Participants
Full-time and part-time permanent employees, non-seasonal employees, and potentially non-permanent employees as designated by their agency.


Special Inclusions
HHS has negotiated with OPM to include USPHS Commissioned Corps members stationed within HHS in the FEVS.


Contractors and political appointees are not eligible to participate in the survey, as per OPM policy.


Agency Discretion
Operating and Staff Divisions have some flexibility in determining which non-permanent employees may participate in the survey.
FEVS Data Accuracy and Methodology
The Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey employs rigorous methodologies to ensure the accuracy and reliability of its results. OPM, as the third-party survey administrator, implements data weighting techniques to produce representative estimates for HHS and its Operating Divisions. This approach prevents potential bias in population statistics that could arise from using unweighted data. It's important to note that while core survey data are weighted, demographic results remain unweighted.
Data Weighting Process
The data weighting process involves adjusting the survey responses to accurately represent the entire HHS workforce. This ensures that the views of all employee groups are proportionally represented in the final results.
Minimum Response Requirements
To protect employee confidentiality and ensure statistical validity, a minimum of ten respondents from one organizational level are required to produce a FEVS report for that unit.
Technical Documentation
For those interested in the technical aspects of the FEVS methodology, including data weighting and analysis procedures, OPM provides a comprehensive FEVS Technical Report available on their website.
HHS FEVS Overview and Importance
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) views the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey as a crucial tool for workforce management and improvement. It serves as a confidential platform for employees to express their opinions on various aspects of their work environment, including talent development, leadership, management, and employee engagement. HHS leadership uses these insights to build on strengths and address weaknesses, ultimately creating a more effective and satisfying workplace for all employees.
Key Survey Areas
  • Talent Development
  • Leadership Effectiveness
  • Management and Supervision
  • Knowledge Management
  • Performance Culture
  • Employee Engagement
Usage of Results
FEVS results are utilized to develop targeted improvement strategies across all levels of HHS. This data-driven approach enables the department to make informed decisions about workplace policies, leadership development, and employee support programs.
In compliance with regulations, HHS publishes survey results on its public-facing website, demonstrating a commitment to transparency and accountability in its workforce management practices.
HHS Engagement Score Trends
HHS has demonstrated a consistent upward trend in its engagement scores since 2014, reflecting the department's ongoing commitment to improving employee satisfaction and engagement. This positive trajectory is a testament to the effectiveness of HHS's workforce engagement strategies and the value placed on employee feedback through the FEVS process. The steady increase in scores over the years indicates that HHS is successfully addressing employee concerns and creating a more positive work environment.
FEVS Data Granularity and Reporting
HHS adopts a comprehensive approach to FEVS data collection and reporting, aiming to provide insights at the most granular level possible within the organization. This strategy involves encouraging 100% participation from all FEVS-eligible employees, allowing for data analysis and reporting at the lowest organizational levels. The goal is to produce actionable insights for as many units as possible, fostering a culture of continuous improvement throughout the department.
Report Generation
FEVS reports are generated for organizational units with 10 or more respondents, ensuring statistical validity and employee confidentiality.
Organizational Coverage
Out of approximately 7,000 organizational units in HHS, over 2,500 typically receive FEVS reports, demonstrating extensive coverage.
Action Planning
All units receiving FEVS reports are encouraged to develop data-driven improvement plans based on their specific results.
Participation Goal
HHS aims for 100% participation from eligible employees to maximize data granularity and insights across the organization.
Key FEVS Measures and Indices
HHS tracks several key measures and indices derived from the FEVS questions at both the Department and Operating Division levels. These metrics provide valuable insights into various aspects of employee experience, satisfaction, and engagement. Understanding these measures is crucial for interpreting FEVS results and developing targeted improvement strategies.
Employee Engagement Index (EEI)
Developed by OPM, this index measures workforce conditions that support employee engagement. It's composed of 15 FEVS questions divided into three sub-indexes: Leaders Lead, Supervisors, and Intrinsic Work Experience.
Global Satisfaction Index (GSI)
This OPM-developed index combines employees' satisfaction with their jobs, pay, and organization, along with their willingness to recommend their organization as a good place to work.
Belief in Action Index (BIAI)
An HHS-specific index based on a single FEVS question measuring employees' belief that survey results will be used to improve their agency.
Best Places to Work Index (BPTW)
Developed by the Partnership for Public Service, this index uses three FEVS questions to provide a comprehensive rating of workforce satisfaction and commitment across federal agencies.
HHS Workforce Engagement Approach
HHS has developed a comprehensive approach to employee engagement, focusing on fostering a performance engagement action culture (PEAC) at every level of the organization. This strategy involves collaboration between Operating and Staff Divisions, with designated FEVS Program Managers and Employee Engagement Coordinators working together to achieve departmental and divisional goals related to the FEVS and overall engagement.
Strategic Alignment
FEVS Engagement action planning is incorporated into the HHS Human Capital Operating Plan, aligning with the broader HHS Strategic Plan.
Change Management
The approach is underpinned by change management principles outlined in the OPM Executive Core Qualification of ECQ 1: Leading Change.
PEAC Improvement Cycle
Organizations follow a continuous improvement cycle: understand employee viewpoint, identify priorities, develop plans, implement changes, and assess progress.
Collaborative Network
An Engagement Network of Program Managers and Coordinators works collaboratively to achieve FEVS and engagement goals across HHS.
PEAC Improvement Cycle in Detail
The Performance Engagement Action Culture (PEAC) Improvement Cycle is a cornerstone of HHS's approach to workforce engagement. This systematic process ensures that FEVS data is effectively utilized to drive positive changes throughout the organization. By following this cycle, HHS aims to create a culture of continuous improvement and responsive leadership.


Understand the Employee Viewpoint
Analyze FEVS results to gain a comprehensive understanding of employee perspectives and experiences across different organizational levels.


Identify Priority Areas
Use data-driven insights to determine key areas that require attention and improvement within each unit and across the department.


Develop a Data-Based Plan
Create targeted action plans that address identified priorities, leveraging FEVS data to inform strategies and goals.


Implement and Manage Change
Execute the developed plans, ensuring effective communication and change management throughout the implementation process.


Assess and Adapt
Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of implemented changes, adjusting strategies as needed based on ongoing feedback and new FEVS results.
Targeted Goals Approach
HHS employs a targeted goals approach in its FEVS and employee engagement activities, fostering an open, collaborative, and transparent operating style. This strategy aims to improve both FEVS performance scores and enrich the overall work experience for all employees. The approach is designed to set clear performance expectations while allowing for incremental improvements across all organizational levels.


Standard Performance Levels
HHS leadership establishes baseline performance levels deemed necessary to meet organizational mission priorities, ensuring consistency across the department.


Incremental Improvement
Goals are set based on current scores, allowing for gradual enhancement at all levels and recognizing the unique starting points of different units.


Healthy Competition
The approach encourages positive competition while still fostering collaboration across Divisions and Regions, creating a balanced improvement environment.


Managerial Assumption
HHS operates on the principle that it's reasonable for 7 or 8 out of every 10 employees to report positive conditions for engagement within their organizations.
Engagement Training Curriculum
HHS has developed a comprehensive workforce engagement training curriculum to support its FEVS and engagement initiatives. This training program is designed to cater to different levels within the organization, ensuring that all employees, from leadership to frontline staff, are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute to a positive work environment. The curriculum is delivered upon request, allowing for flexible implementation across the department.
Leaders Module
  • Focuses on attention and intention management
  • Enhances leadership skills in fostering engagement
  • Tailored for all levels of leadership
Supervisors Module
  • Emphasizes establishing a performance engagement action culture
  • Provides tools for effective team management
  • Addresses specific challenges faced by supervisors
Employees Module
  • Focuses on developing a positive-oriented work experience redesign action plan
  • Empowers employees to take an active role in engagement
  • Encourages personal and professional development
ASA-Driven Action and Support
The FEVS Engagement Team, operating under the Assistant Secretary for Administration (ASA), plays a crucial role in coordinating and supporting workforce engagement initiatives across HHS. This team provides technical assistance and guidance to align Operating and Staff Divisions with departmental workforce engagement priorities. Their comprehensive approach ensures consistent implementation of FEVS-related activities and fosters a culture of continuous improvement throughout HHS.
Program Management
Directs FEVS preparation, administration, and reporting to ensure compliance with OPM guidance.
Leadership Briefings
Prepares FEVS and engagement briefings for HHS leadership to inform strategic decisions.
Custom Tools
Develops and provides HHS-custom FEVS analysis and action tools to support divisions.
Convenes HHS-wide FEVS program team and Engagement Network to foster best practices sharing.
Future Directions and Continuous Improvement
As HHS continues to evolve its approach to the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey and workforce engagement, the department remains committed to continuous improvement and adaptation. Looking ahead, HHS aims to leverage emerging technologies, data analytics, and best practices in employee engagement to further enhance its FEVS program and overall work environment. The focus remains on creating a responsive, inclusive, and high-performing workplace that supports the department's critical mission.
Emerging Technologies
HHS is exploring the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to gain deeper insights from FEVS data, potentially identifying trends and patterns that may not be immediately apparent through traditional analysis methods.
Enhanced Data Visualization
The department is working on developing more sophisticated data visualization tools to make FEVS results more accessible and actionable for managers at all levels, promoting data-driven decision-making across the organization.
Agile Engagement Strategies
HHS is adopting more agile approaches to engagement, allowing for quicker responses to employee feedback and rapidly changing work environments, especially in light of lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and the shift towards more flexible work arrangements.